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3 may 2011 - Many industries throughout the country who service ...
Finance boost for small businessesSmall businesses could be set for a boost in lending prospects ...
Two-thirds of SMEs optimistic about 2011The UK’s small business sector is set to enter 2011 in a buoyant ...
James MacLachlan, Managing Director,
H Beardsley Ltd
Giles Stanford, Managing Director, Stanford Logistical Support Ltd
"When BSUK recommended the Enterprise Finance Guarantee Scheme we wondered..."David Morrison, Managing Director, Morrison Fork Truck Services Ltd
We are not responsible for the contents or reliability of the linked websites and do not necessarily endorse the views expressed within them. Although the links to other websites are regularly checked we have no control over the availability of the linked pages and cannot guarantee that these links will work all the time.
Adjudicator's office (Opens new window)
The Adjudicator has been appointed to help you sort out things when they go wrong. The aim of this web site is to tell you about the Adjudicator and to explain how you can complain about the HM Revenue & Customs if we have been unable to settle your complaint.
Business Advice Open Day website (Opens new window)
HM Revenue & Customs Business Liaison Team research, develop and deliver educational products to support diverse business communities in VAT, International Trade and Excise. This is done through a national programme of Business Advice Open Days. This area provides full details of events including dates and locations, exhibitors, seminar titles, links to our national partners and an online booking service.
Business Gateway (Opens new window)
Business Gateway is a partnership with Scottish Enterprise, Scottish Executive and the Local Authorities. Providing a wide range of advice ranging from company reports, credit checks and supplier information, to market research, training, tenders and information on Europe.
Businesslink (Opens new window)
Business Link is the information, advice and support service for all businesses, funded by the Government, providing the information, advice and support needed to start maintain and to grow a business. is the online portal for the Business Link programme. It includes interactive tools and more than 600 guides giving practical advice for all aspects of business as well as access to services such as the online trade tariff.
Charity Commission (Opens new window)
The Charity Commission is established by law as the regulator and registrar for charities in England and Wales. Their aim is to provide the best possible regulation of charities in England and Wales in order to increase charities' effectiveness and public confidence and trust.
Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) (Opens new window)
DEFRA's aims are sustainable development and a better quality of life for everyone, now and for generations to come.
Department for Work and Pensions (Opens new window)
This department was formed on 8 June 2001 from parts of the former Department of Social Security, parts of the former Department for Education and Employment and the Employment Service. The department is committed to providing people of working age, pensioners and children with the advice and help they need to achieve financial independence and make the most of life.
Department for Business Enterprise & Regulatory Reform (Opens new window)
Help ensure business success in an increasingly competitive world. Their role is to boost productivity and keep the UK competitive and an attractive place to do business, especially in challenging economic times, as well as to help companies succeed overseas and to bring foreign investment to the UK.
The place to turn to for the latest and widest range of public service information.
Finance and Tax Tribunals (Opens new window)
The VAT and Duties Tribunals, Special Commissioners and Financial Services & Markets Tribunal website has been designed to meet the needs of those wishing to appeal against decisions of the former HM Customs & Excise and HM Revenue & Customs or to refer matters relating to certain decisions of the Financial Services Authority.
General Commissioners of Income Tax (Opens new window)
The General Commissioners of Income Tax is a tribunal which hears appeals against decisions made by the HM Revenue & Customs on a variety of different tax related matters.
Government Office for Yorkshire and The Humber (GOYH) (Opens new window)
Our website gives an overview of how we work to represent ten central Government Departments in the region. On the site, you can find information about what we do, what's happening in Yorkshire and The Humber and key details about Government policy.
Highlands and Islands Enterprise (Opens new window)
Highlands and Islands Enterprise's activities include: provision of business support services, delivery of training and learning programmes, assistance for community and cultural projects and measures for environmental renewal.
HM Treasury (Opens new window)
The Treasury is the department responsible for formulating and putting into effect the UK government's financial and economic policy. All Treasury, including Budget, publications can be found on this site.
Identity theft (Opens new window)
A website offering advice on how to protect yourself against identity theft.
This website provides local authorities with quick and easy access to information from more than 65 government departments, agencies and public bodies.
Invest Northern Ireland (Opens new window)
Invest Northern Ireland as the main economic development organisation. Promoting a more enterprising culture in Northern Ireland so as to raise overall level and quality of business starts.
News Distribution Services (Opens new window)
This site contains all government press releases.
Office of Public Sector Information (Opens new window)
This site contains the full text of all Public and Local Acts of the UK Parliament, the Explanatory Notes to Public Acts, Statutory Instruments and Draft Statutory Instruments.
Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (Opens new window)
The Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) is the regulator of Scottish Charities. They are an executive agency under the terms of the Scotland Act 1998 and part of the Scottish Executive Development Department. Their vision is for a flourishing charities sector in which the public has confidence, underpinned by OSCR's effective delivery of its regulatory role.
Parliamentary Counsel Office (Opens new window)
The Parliamentary Counsel are a specialised team of lawyers with their own office in Whitehall. Their main work is drafting Government Bills for introduction into Parliament and related Parliamentary business.
The Pensions Regulator (Opens new window)
Set up by Parliament to help make sure that occupational pension schemes are safe and well run.
The Serious Organised Crime Agency (Opens new window)
The Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) is an Executive Non-Departmental Public Body sponsored by, but operationally independent from, the Home Office. SOCA is an intelligence-led agency with law enforcement powers and harm reduction responsibilities. Harm in this context is the damage caused to people and communities by serious organised crime. HMRC works in partnership with SOCA and contributes to the UK Threat Assessment and National Intelligence Requirement.
- SOCA UK Threat Assessment of Organised Crime (PDF 765K)
- National Intelligence Requirement for Organised Crime (PDF 127K)
The Insolvency Service (Opens new window)
The service is an executive agency of the Department of Trade & Industry which deals with insolvency matters in England & Wales and some limited insolvency matters in Scotland.
The Organised Crime Task Force (Opens new window)
Based in Belfast, The Organised Crime Task Force is a multi-agency forum whose purpose is to tackle organised crime and racketeering in Northern Ireland.
UK Trade Info (Opens new window)
This is a HM Revenue & Customs website and is the most complete, authoritative and up-to-date information service on trade data. Data is available within 24 hours of publication. Included are importers details, ICN Online (access to commodity codes), Intrastat information and Notice 60.
Valuation Office Agency (Opens new window)
The office responsible for providing valuations for land and business to a variety of public and private sector customers. Although an agency of the HM Revenue & Customs it has its own website.
Welsh Development Agency (Opens new window)
An Economic Development Agency for Wales, working for its people, creating prosperous communities by helping businesses to start, develop and grow.
Work permits (UK) (Opens new window)
Part of the Home Office's Immigration and Nationality Directorate. The work permit arrangements allow employers based in the UK to employ people who are not nationals of a European Economic Area country and are not entitled to work in this country.
Your Freedom (Opens new window)
Your ideas to help Government cut business and third-sector regulation.
Other websites
Federation of Small Businesses (Opens new window)
Provide information to small businesses and exist to promote and protect the interests of all who own or manage their own business.
Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (Opens new window)
Tax help for those on low incomes.
Tax working (Opens new window)
This site tells you about the best ways to start a career in tax - and some of the firms and organisations that can help get your career off to a great start.
Overseas tax authority websites
These links will take you to the sites of European Union and some other overseas government taxation or finance departments.
European Commission (Opens new window)
Site includes: speeches of the President, press releases, documents, work programme and profiles of the commissioners (includes DG XXI -Taxation and Customs Union). The European Commission website holds a database called the TARIC which holds information on classification for goods and duty rates for imports to the EU.
World Customs Organisation (Opens new window)
The World Customs Organisation (WCO) is an independent inter-governmental body with worldwide membership. The site includes links to other international organizations, United Nations websites and European Commission websites.
World Trade Organisation (Opens new window)
Administers World Trade Organisation trade agreements, provides a forum for trade negotiations, handles trade disputes, monitors national trade policies and provides technical assistance for developing countries.
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